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Shomini Mediation
Complaints Process

I aim to work to the highest standards and am bound by the Family Mediation Council’s code of conduct, practice and standards. See link below


If you are not happy with the service I provide in relation to mediation, or if you feel there has been a breach of the Family Mediation Council’s code of practice, then the following complaints procedure applies.


  1. Please email me with the details and I will acknowledge receipt within 10 working days. I will investigate and respond by email within 30 working days of receipt and will let you know in writing if I need longer.

  2. The reason for the complaint must have occurred within the last three months. If relevant, running from the last mediation meeting.

  3. In the first instance I will address the issue by email or in person by phone to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution.

  4. If there is still no resolution, I will forward the complaint to my Professional Practice Consultant/Supervisor who will respond.  

  5. If both parties agree, there can be mediation of the complaint.

  6. If the PPC/Supervisor’s response is not accepted, you can ask the FMSB (Family Mediation Standards Board) to consider the complaint by going to the link

  7. Should you wish to make a complaint you are agreeing to the relevant files and information being shared with those who conduct any investigation including my PPC and the Family Mediation Standards Board.


N.B The FMSB clearly state (referring to the link above): -

  1. It is common for a mediator to contact a potential mediation participant after seeing the other potential mediation participant. Therefore, complaints about this will not be investigated by myself (mediator) and will not be accepted by the FMSB.

  2. Likewise, I (the mediator) may sign court forms to say one person has attended a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) without notifying a potential second mediation participant or inviting them to attend MIAM themselves.Therefore, complaints about this will not be investigated by myself (the mediator) and will not be accepted by the FMSB.

  3. Complaints that appear to be vexatious or of a purely personal nature will not be investigated by myself (the mediator) and will not be accepted by the FMSB.

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